Agastya International School wishes a very Happy Teachers Day to all

Happy Teachers Day 2021
Teachers are considered to be Gods in disguise. Our Nation and its history is known for the respect given to and the prestigious position held by teachers in the life of an individual.
Today, on the occasion of Teachers Day, let us all remember our beloved teachers and in our hearts pay gratitude to them for their contribution in making all of us responsible citizens of the Nation.
Agastya International School wishes A very Happy Teachers Day to all who have upheld and disseminated the values to make the world a better place to live in.

World Coconut Day 2021

World Coconut Day 2021
To celebrate coconut’s many contributions to health and culture, World Coconut Day is celebrated annually on September 2. The Asian and Pacific Coconut Culture (APCC) began celebrating this day in 2009.
The purpose of the celebration of World Coconut Day is to promote the use of coconut as a raw material for industries and to raise awareness about its use.
Let’s go coconuts this season! and make this day a memorable one!
Agastya International School pledges to educate people on the uses , health benefits and nutritional value of this amazing fruit.

Happy National Nutrition Week to all

National Nutrition Week 2021
The right nutrition is the most important factor that determines the well being of an individual. In order to make the common people aware of the importance of nutrition, we celebrate the National Nutrition Week every year starting from 1st of September through 7th of September.
The theme for National Nutrition Week 2021 is “feeding smart right from start”, which focuses on consuming the right kind of food to keep yourself fit and healthy.
A healthy body creates healthy human.Let us pledge to take the best possible steps to spread awareness.
“Eat healthy and Stay healthy! “
A Happy National Nutrition Week to all.

National Small Industry Day 2021

National Small Industry Day 2021
“A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact on the world you live in.” – Nicole Snow
In India, the National Small Industry Day is celebrated on August 30,every year. The day is celebrated to make small scale business sector stronger and promote their well being.
This day is celebrated with the aim of promoting small scale industries and providing employment opportunities to the unemployed. Small scale industries have an important role for economic development in a developing country like India.
Agastya International School recognises the importance of small scale sector and supports its development.

Agastya International School wishes everyone a supremely Happy Janmashtami.

Agastya International School wishes everyone a supremely Happy Janmashtami.
India is a land of diverse cultures and festivities. One of the most celebrated and cherished festivals is Janmashtami the day when Lord Krishna was born. Janmashtami is also known as Krishna Janmashtami and Gokulashtami. This is celebrated on the 8th day of the dark fortnight in the month of July-August (Sravana) in India.
Temples in Mathura and Vrindavan are dolled up and decorated with flowers and other colourful decorations to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is believed to be born in mid-night in Mathura and grew up in Vrindavan. Since he was believed to be born at midnight, people place idols of baby Krishna in a cradle after bathing, decorating and start the Janmashtami celebrations.
Agastya International School wishes everyone a supremely Happy Janmasthami.